Saturday, January 22, 2011

Spolight on: LG Keybo

The LG Keybo is one of the most functional and amazing phones. This may look boring, but for those who don't have phones they will absolutely love it!


  • You can store music and pictures with a Sim card, I am not sure if they give you one or you have to buy one, with mine it was built in.
  • If you get the internet plan, it is really cool, because the screen is really big and you will be able to view things much easier!
  • It is the perfect texting phone! If you are the texting person, this is perfect for you.
  • The features like camera, texting, Mp3, phone calls and everything else is easy to use.
  • It is very durable, but I still recommend getting  a case, cause that will make it even more resistant.
  • This can be a pro or a con, but it vibrates very loudly, so if you need to find it somewhere in the couch, call your phone and you can hear it from maybe at least 10 feet away...if everything else is silent.
  • Good quality pictures!


  • It is kinda boring to look at, so you should get a cover to spice it up!
  • Depending on your phone, you can only keep a certain amount of texts in your inbox until you have to delete them in order to get more texts!
  • If you are bored, you want to play a game, depending on the phone, you may or may not have one, if not you have to buy one. Same with ringtones, there are 21 rings for the phone, and you have to buy more.
  • It is very easy to pocket dial so be careful!
What I like about the Keybo is that, it is really reliable when it comes to actually working in terms of texts or calls not going through, because you can check your sent messages or dialed calls to see it sent or not! Although I know a lot of phones do that. It is very durable, I have dropped it several times and I must say, it still works! I have had it for 2 years now! It is really easy to use like I mentioned before, and you can control it from both sides the front and the flipped open side!

Overall, it is durable, easy to use, great texting phone, takes good quality pictures for a phone,  and you can usually get it in generation 1 and 2, in pink and black. I am a first generation Keybo girl and I have it in black! I think there are different features for the newer version, but I can't really review it unless I've used it right? If you have a Keybo, first or second generation, leave a comment and tell me what you like about it and what you hate!

Hope this helps!

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